Maret 14, 2025

32 thoughts on “Perfect World Development 153 VM Image

    1. Hi Alex, You can take a look at logs. It should telling you why it not open.
      Most common problem is Permission, i design those VM not running as root. it running for it own user.

      Try to run permission fix from pwAdmin. and then try to run your maps.
      If file version is match, it should running without any problem.


  1. gan ,saya ilham,, saya mau buat tutorial tentang Perfect World ,Boleh saya Ambil Link File Server Untuk saya tarok di blog saya ..?
    saya mau buat tutorial cara buat perfect world 153 di blog saya,, …
    apakah boleh gan…?

  2. master , saya mau bertanya satu hal .. Client PW yang digunakan dalam pembuatan PW 153 ini Build berapa ya ?
    apakah bisa digunakan Client dari Lyto yang sekarang ? (MINGGU – 19 MARET 2017 – WIB : 21.18) / versi lainya ?

    Mohon di jawab master … dan mohon bantuannya ..

    By : pecintaPW – Muhammad Habib

  3. Hi,
    firstly thanks for puting this vm image together for us, i was wondering were i could find the passwords for pwadmin etc as i cant gain access to machine via winscp or putty due to no password.

    many thans in advance

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