zPanel adalah sebuah open source Web Hosting Control Panel seperti cPanel.
Di gunakan untuk mengelola Web Hosting Server.
zPanel sangat mudah digunakan, Kelas web hosting enterprise dengan dukungan reseller tak terbatas.
Dari penggunaan bisnis besar sampai SOHO atau pengembangan.
Fitur untuk Platform CentOS 6.5:
- Apache Web Server
- Postfix MTA
- Dovecot IMAP/POP3
- ProFTP Daemon
- PHP-FPM (Modifikasi by hrace009)
- IonCube & ZendGuard (Modifikasi by hrace009)
- mod_fastcgi (Modifikasi by hrace009)
- Webalizer
- RoundCube
- phpMyAdmin
- phpSysInfo
Core modules
Account information
- My Account
- Change Password
- System uptime monitoring
- Usage viewer
Server Admin
- Backup
- Bandwidth Throttle
- DNS Admin
- Permission Manager
- PHPInfo
- phpSysInfo
- User shadowing
- Updates
- ZPanel Config
- Cron Manager
- FAQ’s
- Password protected directories
- Metatag generator
- Service Status
- Webalizer Stats
Database management
- MySQL Users
- MySQL Databases
- phpMyAdmin
Domain management
- Domains
- Parked domains
- Sub-domains
- DNS Manager
- Aliases
- Distribution Lists
- Forwarders
- Mailboxes
- Webmail
- Manage Clients
- Package Manager
File Manager
- FTP accounts
Download: zPanel 10.1.1 Centos 6.5 X64
This Package is different from Official zPanel release, this package already mod by me (for some)
This Package test with CentOS 6.5 x86_x64 Minimal Installation.
Use at your own risk!
ga support ubuntu ya ?
engga hahahahhaha
ubuntu support donk zpanel http://www.zpanelcp.com/download/
for ubuntu support and other new version, you can visit official sentora website http://www.sentora.org/